Since starting in 1970 and as at September 2024, the Port Phillip Pioneers Group has had well over 1,500 members. Well over 3,000 Pioneers of the Port Phillip District, now Victoria, have been claimed by these members as their direct ancestors.

A list of these proven Pioneer Ancestors is at the link below.  Those pioneers about whom a Pioneer Profile has been written by a PPPG Member (or are included in a Profile) are indicated in the final column of the list.  The numbers refer to the volume of the Profile (currently 1-7).

Please let us know if there is information that is not quite right. This index is updated whenever a new or existing member successfully proves a link to a different pioneer. The information is Name of Pioneer, earliest known Event (usually arrived, married or born), Date of event and Name of ship, if relevant & known.

If you think you are descended from one of the pioneers listed below and would like to contact a member who hs successfully claimed descent, send an email to us at info@portphillip pioneers and we will try to put you in touch.

OR if you would like to apply for membership yourself see How to Join.

We have many more pioneers listed in our database waiting for those who had descendants to claim them.  The 1851 Census states the population of the Port Phillip District as 77,345.  This does not include indigenous people..

Follow this link to the PDF file of the listing of PIONEERS CLAIMED BY MEMBERS