Pioneer Profiles

The aims of the Port Philip Pioneers group include:

  1. to perpetuate the memory of, and create a greater awareness of, the part played by the Pioneers of early settlement in the area of the present State of Victoria.
  2. to compile biographical and genealogical data of the Pioneers and their immediate families.

The Pioneer Profiles contribute to fulfilling these aims.  The aim of each profile is to provide an insight into the lives of pioneers which is accessible to future members and genealogists.

You can check whether a Profile has been written about a pioneer claimed by a PPPG member by checking the final column of the List of Claimed Pioneers.  The numbers refer to the volume number (currently 1-7). More detailed indexes are included in each volume.

Pioneer Profiles are now being accepted from members for Volume 8.
Please read the guidelines below

  • The Profile must primarily be about your claimed ancestor who is a proven Port Phillip Pioneer.
  • Submissions should be
    • A minimum of one page and maximum of four with or without images.
    • In electronic form (Word document). If mailed our editorial team will type/transcribe the written material.
    • Included images are to be of the highest quality possible (jpeg format). If posting, please send copies. Do not send original images.
  • Please include information about
    • Their spouse and children whether they came with the pioneer or were born in the Colony. Also include the children’s spouses where possible.
    • The family’s background and a description of their life in Australia.
    • Their method of arrival, if known (ship, overland etc.).
  • Sources may be referenced if data is not in the text.
  • If the family story is not a documented one, say so (family folk lore says . . .).
    Detailed formatting guidelines are attached.

All Profiles are subject to editing. The PPPG reserves the right to place an Index of the Pioneers’ names, highlighted in the series of Profiles books, on our website.

Profiles should be sent to the Editor, Beverley Jacobson:
Phone: (03) 9588 1592

Get Involved

Membership of the Port Phillip Pioneers Group is open to persons having ancestors of whom at least one settled or was born in the present State of Victoria prior to 1 July, 1851 and can provide proof of direct lineal descent from their Pioneer ancestor/s.