About the Port Phillip Pioneers Group
Our History
The Port Phillip Pioneers Group Inc. (PPPG) was formed in May 1970, to bring together those who could establish direct lineal descent from those who settled or were born in the Port Phillip District of the Colony of New South Wales before 1 July 1851, that is before it became the Colony and later the State of Victoria.
We were originally part of the Genealogical Society of Victoria but became a separate Incorporated Association in April 1991. Linkage with the GSV is maintained through the PPPG being a Member Group.
We are also affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.
Aims & Objectives
To perpetuate the memory of, and create a greater awareness of, the part played by the early inhabitants of the area of the present State of Victoria.
To compile biographical and genealogical data of these early inhabitants.
To preserve written and printed material which illustrates aspects of life in Victoria before July 1851.
Port Phillip Ancestor Stories
One of the main functions of the Port Phillip Pioneers Group is to preserve and transmit stories...
PPPG 50th Anniversary History
To celebrate our 50th anniversary a book entitled “Port Phillip Pioneers Group Incorporated –...
Office Bearers, Committee and other positions for 2024-2025
- Paul Cronin (President)
- Beverley Jacobson (Vice-President and Editor of Pioneer Profiles)
- Stuart Hamilton (Secretary and Website Manager)
- Dean Wheeler (Treasurer and Membership Secretary)
- Marney Butler-Jones (Examiner of Proofs)
- Anne Bevis
- Bronwyn Quint
- Nick Wakeling (Social Media)
- Susanne Wheelahan
Other Positions
Dianne Wheeler (Newsletter Editor), Tom Davison (Property Officer), Jan Hanslow (Librarian), Maureen Matthews (afternoon tea), Ken Smith (meeting reception)
How to Join
Membership of the Port Phillip Pioneers Group is open to persons having ancestors of whom at least one settled or was born in the present State of Victoria prior to 1 July, 1851 and can provide proof of direct lineal descent from their Pioneer ancestor/s. Others may join as Associate Members.
If you have not yet proved your descent, or are just interested in what we do, you can join as an Associate Member.